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Post 8 >> A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

Write about your favorite subject this term. Among others, include: > Name > Describe what you do in classes > Mention the main contents you have seen > Explain why you like the subject > Word Count: 180 > Make comments on 3 of your patners' posts. I still remember the subject I enjoyed the most when I studied was Ciclo Vital, this was part of the baccalaureate curriculum the first two years of university. This subject was about psychology in students'  learning process. Among the topics I can remember, some of the most interesting where connected with the brain, and how it works when learning a new language. We also learned about the stages within the learning process, differences between teaching children and adults and the most suitable techniques to be used with them. I think the reason why I liked this subject is because every person learn in a different way, and it is important for teachers to know the mental process students go through at the moment to ...

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